Juce sam igrao Minecraft sa drugarom. Sve je islo dobro a onda smo izasli i sacuvali igru. Sutradan sam pokusao da udjem u Minecraft a ono mi samo izbaci logo i dalje se ne desi nista. Sta da radim?
My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.
My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.
Pretpostavljam da koristis minecraft team extreme. Probaj da reinstalliras minecraft, i ne ukljucuj 1.7.9 verziju... Veruj mi majstor sam ti ja za ovakve stvari
Moj zivot: <3 Ja imam tebra svoje parce neba, direktno ispod njega BLOK 21!!! <3