Pozdrav imam problem sa slikom na monitoru jednostavno je crn ekran kada ga upalim.A ja sam se nesto igrao i otisao connect to a pjojector i tu izabrao projector only i od tada je crn ekran.Sada sam usao preko safe mod-a.Jel znate kako da vratim to na computer only.
Ako imas kabal da skopcas na TV ako imas plazmu HDMI kabal skopcaj na plazmu i tamo ce ti pokazati sliku i u opcijama ugasi projector Only. Ako to nemas probaj ovo..
Udji prvo u SAFE MOD.
This is how I fixed it: 1. Run Windows Mobility Center (Control Panel > Windows Mobility Center) 2. At the Presentation Settings box, click the (PROJECTOR ICON) at the Presentation Settings box. 3. The Presentation Settings dialog box will apprear. 4. Click on Connected Display (you will then see a list of all the available monitors) 5. UNCHECK the box that says I ALWAYS GIVE A PRESENTATION WHEN I USE THIS DISPLAY CONFIGURATION. 6. OK everything back.