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Forum moderator: Infinity  
Pomoc (usb) :((

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58 414

post # 1 | 29.01.2012 , 2:44 AM

Pozdrav, otvorio sam ovu temu vec 2 puta a bez razloga i pojasnjena admin mi brise angry2
Dakle, jednom prilikom kad sam ubacio USB od mobitela u komp, antivirus mi je pronasao virus u USBu i od tada nece da otvori ni jedan fajl iz USBa, cak i nakon sto sam pauzirao antivirus... Izbaci mi error "Windows can't find I:/RECYCLER/f4448e25.exe"

Isao sam na google ali nije pomoglo, nadam se da ce neko pomoci, ne mogu da prebacujem ni muziku, slike, nista.. :)

<3 Bancy <3

poruka na forumu
6 32

post # 2 | 29.01.2012 , 8:16 AM

Zakačio si virus.

The reason antivirus suites dont see the virus is because the file attribute its files were set to system/superhidden.

So even if you set your folder view to Show hidden files, it would still not show up.

You have to enable showsuperhidden key in the registry then do a full system scan as that virus/trojan put files iside the windows directory and modify keys in the registry. Particularly the ShowSuperHidden key.

To modify that key;

Click "run" at the start menu, type regedit

the Registry editor will open.

Go to HKEY_CurrentUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\Advanced

on the left side look for the key ShowSuperHidden and set it to 0 (ZERO).

Close the Registry editor then on Folder options' View tab select Show hidden files. You may havee to reboot for the changes to take effect. then Do a full system scan, with your removable drives plugged in.

AVG should see it and clean it.

Pri tome ne mora da bude AVG, bilo koji AV koji imaš.

Evo ti i ceo tekst:

poruka na forumu
58 414

post # 3 | 29.01.2012 , 1:53 PM

Hvala brate najljepsa, nije mi bas to pomoglo sto si ti ovdje napisao ali sam na tom linku nasao jos bolje objasnjeno, pa sam rucno izbrisao viruse... :)

<3 Bancy <3

poruka na forumu
6 32

post # 4 | 29.01.2012 , 2:20 PM

Bitno da je problem rešen.

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1056 7133

post # 5 | 29.01.2012 , 2:28 PM


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