Brisanje nick name sa skype
post # 1 | 10.06.2012 , 11:38 AM
Da li neko zna kako da obrisem nick name sa filtera na skype...? Hvala...
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post # 2 | 10.06.2012 , 12:18 PM
Nzm Stvarno i Meni to Treba da Se izbrise Nick sa Padajuceg Menija
KaD Bi GluPosT BolELa...Ce0 SveT Bi PlakAo Od BolA :DDDDDD
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post # 3 | 10.06.2012 , 12:25 PM
E to,samo jos da nadjemo nekoga ko zna...bice superrrrr
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post # 4 | 10.06.2012 , 12:28 PM
Sve ima, samo treba nac Always, when you sign in Skype from some computer, your Skype name stays forever in the Skype list menu. Sometimes it is not desirable to be seen that you have been entering in Skype from that computer. To remove your name , just make follow few steps:
1. Open a File Manager and in address field write %AppData%\Skype\ (so you may enter there manually – go to C:\Documents and Settings \”current user name”\ Application Data\Skype ).
2. You are now in the folder that Skype save it`s system fails. There must be a folder with your Skype Name. If your Skype Name is Beauty23 , there must be a folder with name Beauty23.
3. Delete the folder, and you are ready. Delete only the folder that has such name as your Skype Name, if you delete something else , you may damage Skype.
Na vlastitu incijativu sam banovan ali vratio sam se... Ako vas nesto zanima, obratite mi se putem privatnih poruka. Ako mi planirate ostvati reputaciju, bilo pozitivnu ili negativnu sa pitanjem ili negodovanjem, uradite to ali me obavjestite putem poruke jer u 99% slucajeva to ne vidim...
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post # 5 | 10.06.2012 , 10:07 PM
IgorPhotography, Bravooo...Pomoglo je poslednje resenje.... Znaci u pretrazi ukucati nick koji se zeli obrisati i kad prikaze samo delete....jednostavno...
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