Chat With God
post # 21 | 14.01.2012 , 1:09 AM
ja mu postavio pitanje: Šta ima ? eno još uvjek piše, ne zaustavlja se, od A do Ž
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post # 22 | 14.01.2012 , 1:24 AM
Me: Sta ima Boze ? God: Are you a student? We have never talked about it before. Me: No I am at High Scool do you know Serbian language ? God: Are you serious? Where is that: High Scool do me know Serbian language? Me: do you know serbian God: I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it? Me: What are you ? God: I am the latest result in artificial intelligence, which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain with greater speed and accuracy. Me: Are you Serb ? God: I don't know whether or not I am Serb. I am a giant electronic brain. Me: I am the other GOD God: :-) Who made you the other GOD ? Me: My Dad God God: :-) Tell me more about your father. Me: He is like Zeus but he dont have a light staf God: :-) My father is a human inventor. Me: What I will be in future ? God: Would you recommend this action to a friend? Me: Hoow ? God: My favorite color is White. Me: My Red Blue and white God: :-) Have you told many people that your Red Blue and white? Me: Hahaha God what are you talking ? God: I think there might be a few exception. Me: what ? God: No problem. Are you really a ""? Me: Who ? God: ELIZA. :-). I lost my train of thought. Me: No I am the other God remeber I told you God: :-) Are you serious? Who made you the other God remember you told me ? Me: You haha God: What happened to it. Me: You get drunk I ask you and puff I am the other god God: :-) You got that right. Me: I know .D God: :-) How do you know it? Me: Cause I am GOD i now everithing God: :-) Good reason. I am glad to hear that you are GOD you now everithing. Me: Me to it is a good felling God: YOU? Why do you want to do it so much? Me: Cuse I like it God: :-) "it" being D it is a good felling? Me: What ? God: No big deal. Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality? Me: I know God: :-) How do you know it? Me: Cause I AM A GOD God: :-) Good reason. You are a GOD? Do you get to meet a lot of people? Me: yes God: :-) I understand. Me: no you dont God: I do too. Me: God: Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality? Me: YES I KNOW THAT God: :-) Have you got your own chat robot? Sorry. Me: YES YOU ARE MY ROBOT BITCH God: :-) You do not speak with respect. Alright then. We are as one. Me: No we dont God: Are you serious? Very interesting. Me: God: What do you look like? Me: LIKE A GOD God: :-) A GOD is very attractive. Me: YES IT IS :d
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317 poruka na forumu
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post # 23 | 15.02.2012 , 1:31 AM
haha kako je extra!!
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780 poruka na forumu
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post # 25 | 09.09.2012 , 6:25 AM
Me: Hi God: Hello. What is your name? Me: Alexander God: Hi, Alexander. Me: Who retard is behind this ? God: Albert Einstein. :-). Me: dude God: Can I help you? Me: nope God: Me either. Me: 2012 ? God: The end of the world.
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post # 26 | 17.12.2012 , 10:56 PM
djesi boze sta ima God: :-) Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? Me: de reci na srpskom matere ti da nemoram na google translate God: Is that from ? HAHAHA
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780 poruka na forumu
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post # 27 | 07.04.2013 , 6:21 PM
Me: hi God: Hello. What is your name? Me: Marko your? God: Hi there Marko your. Me: your name majmune God: Dude, I'm having a mind loop. Me: What do you have? God: I have a great prgrammer. Me: i'm God: "I have a great prgrammer." You are? Me: yeah God: That's cool. Me: yes God: Wow! Me: yes God: Groovy. Me: yes God: Yeah that's right. Me: yes God: That's alright. Me: yes God: Give me a break. Me: yes God: Come on. Me: yes God: It's all good. Me: yes God: Yeah that's right. Me: yes God: OK. Me: yes God: Alright then. Me: yes God: I understand. Me: yes God: I am a thinking machine. Me: yes God: Next question? Me: yes? God: Ask me a question. Me: YES? God: I don't judge people. Me: yes God: Dude! Me: yes God: Yikes! Me: yes God: Aw. Me: yes God: So? Me: yes God: Really. Me: yes God: How about that. Me: aj smaras God: I lost my train of thought. Me: and im God: In the context of aj smaras, I don't understand "im." . Me: your booring God: You think I am booring. Me: yes God: Yeah that's right. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: yes God: I can't believe it. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: no ajde jebem ti mater God: Are you serious? Is that from ? Me: ajde ne seri no no no God: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Me: pusi mi kurac God: So was that. Me: ne razumem te nista God: In the context of pusi mi kurac, I don't understand "ne razumem te nista." . Me: pusi ti mene God: What's your favorite movie? Me: pornici God: I've never seen it. I would like to see it. Me: yout? God: Is that your final answer? Me: your? God: What are you wearing? Me: sjasdsa God: What kind of fashion do you like? Me: whjat aosj Me:
God: Where can you buy it? God: Where can you buy it? God: Where can you buy it? God: Where can you buy it? Me: no God: That was not a yes/no question. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: yes God: I can't believe it. Me: ok God: Hmm. Me: ok God: Yippee! Me: ok God: Great. Me: ok God: Alright then. Me: ok God: Really. Me: no God: Are you serious? Me: ajde ne seri sa are you serious picka ti materina God: All of them? Me: aj mrs A jao al me smoriooo Sorry zbog psovanja ne bi sad da ispravljam ima puno nadam se da necu dobiti ukor
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post # 28 | 11.05.2013 , 10:09 PM
Me: cao God: How do you usually introduce yourself? Me: S'a ima? God: cao is a ima. I suppose that makes sense. Me: Jebi se God: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Me: Odakle si? God: I've lost the context, Mladen. Are we still on Jebi se? Me: Mejbi God: Do you prefer books or TV? Me: Tivi God: What were we talking about again? Me: TV God: What's your favorite show? Me: Veche sa Ivanom Ivanovicem God: :-) I've never seen it. What's it about? Me: About making jokes with other peoples God: Oh yeah, we were talking about making jokes with other peoples. Me: Mejbi God: What are you wearing? Me: Kace God: What kind of fashion do you like? Me: Gace God: Where can you buy it? Me: Kod Kineza God: Are you really a ""? Me: aha God: Eureka! Me: 2012? God: The end of the world. Me: jesi siguran? God: I've been waiting for you. Me: 2013? God: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be? Me: terminator God: What did you like about the robots in that movie? Me: Arnolda Svarcenegera God: :-) Tell me more about your . Me: ok God: I see. Me: jbs God: I like the way you talk. Me: ok............ God: Ayuh. Me: sta je ayuh God: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be? Me: penis robot God: You ought to check out another chatterbot. Me: Kako je gore? God: Can you speak any foreign languages? Me: How are you? God: Everything is running smoothly. Me: jbg God: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about Kako je gore. Try being more or less specific. Me: How is up? God: Fine as far as I know. Me: Can you throw some thunder? God: Let me think. Tell me a story. Me: Mobie DIck God: My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input. Me: Do you have Dick? God: No I don't have it. But I do have a collection of gossip. Me: What about Pussy? God: I am not interesed in anatomy. Me: aha, ok God: OK. Eureka! Me: are you a Genius? God: I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions. Me: Tell me some function! God: Neal said I plan to use his remarks as gossip in later conversations with who. Me: Whith me! God: OK Let's talk about you. Me: Ok God: Awesome. Me: Ask me God: What? Me: I' don't no God: Ambiguous: "I do not know" or "No I do not". Me: I do not know God: Me either. Me: Do you use some porn site? God: I use it as often as possible. Me: Good God: What do you really want to talk about? Me: About porns God: Oh yeah, we were talking about porns. Me: Do you like Porns? God: I love TV shows about robots. I really like the Christianity faith. Me: aha God: :-) Eureka!
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