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Forum moderator: Deki87  
Poucne pesme!

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post # 21 | 17.06.2012 , 3:56 PM

Vagabond83, sta pametujes, okaci i ti neku.

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 22 | 17.06.2012 , 4:04 PM

Quote (Vagabond83)
Veoma poucne pesme.

Dobro je da je neko prepoznao :)

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post # 23 | 17.06.2012 , 4:20 PM

luka83, bas vala.

Sve su zene oko mene ni jedna ne zna ali ja znam
Ako pridju malo blize ja mogu svasta da im dam
I na svetlu i u mraku u avionu kamionu
Dok pada kisa ili grad moje su sad

Sto ja volim taj sexja volim taj sex
Ja volim taj sex ja volim javolim taj sex

I dok lezim i kad stojim kada molim i kad brojim
Kada mastam i kada prastam i sta sad
I u sumi i na njivi i na travi i na sljivi
Kad sam stobom i kad sam sam tarararam

Sto ja volim taj sexja volim taj sex
Ja volim taj sex ja volim javolim taj sex

Kad je crno kad je belo kad je moje tvoje celo
Kad je tvoje samo moje kad je dvoje ili troje
Kao odmor i kao rad kao selo i kao grad
Kao gavran i kao lav kao mjao i javavavavavava

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 24 | 17.06.2012 , 10:00 PM

Ice Cube:
Attention all parents!
Report to your local therapist!
Report to your local church!
Report to your local police department!
It's goin' down!
Gaze into my son's eyes.
Reveals alone
I felt her in the day.
Ice Cube:
It was all about the pussy, if you can get it.
A little girl like me never fucking liked it.
Ice Cube:
We ain't takin' no mo'! (x2)
So sing me! ??? ???
And the children are born.
You're feeling through me. ??? ???
You're the children of the Korn.
Ice Cube:
Droppin' smoke in the alley, makin' noise with a double pump,
Bring your boys turn up at a party with you doubled up.
Double rowdy double bout it hardcore, teenager, fuckin' bitches major.
[Lyrics from]
Catch me if you can, fuck the law with my dick in my hand,
We're comin' strong.
Generation triple X, we're all about the weed smoke and the kinky sex.
So sing me ??? ???
And the children are born.
You're feeling through me. ??? ???
We're the children of the Korn.
??? I take my life
Then I got it, so far.
It's open day like me.
Go figure, what's a fag?
Now a player, baptized and born,
and the Children of the Korn.
Ice Cube:
Children of the Korn!
Since they're first born!
Fuck authority! Hit your ass in the head with my 40.
You girls see more of me, after school, you better run to your 'pa.
Class clown, I already know I'm a star.
Your Children of the Korn was born, from your porn and twisted ass ways,
now you look amazed.
I'm sitting in a daze, in a purple haze.
You better check my pulse, 'cause nuttin' seems to faze.
Nuttin' seems to faze.
Your children of the Korn, children of the Korn.
Nuttin' seems to faze.
Your children of the Korn, children of the Korn.
Look and see, I feel the parents hating me.
Ice Cube:
Hurt me. You hurt me.
Why don't you step outside and feel me?
Ice Cube:
Feel me! Feel me! Feel me!
How you gonna tell me where to skate, who to date,
how to fuck, how to kiss, who to love, who to diss,
how to live. What it is, somethin' gotta give.
Parents or the kids, it won't be the kids.
What? It won't be the kids.
We're talking shit, 'cause life is a 'biz.
You know it is. Everybody tryin' to get rich. God damn!
All I wanna do is live. All I wanna do is live.
All I wanna do is live! (x2)
Ice Cube:
All I wanna do is live. (x3)
All... I... want... to... do...
All... I... want... to... do...
All... I... want... to... do... is live.
Ice Cube:
Stop fuckin' with me.
Ice Cube:
Stop... fuckin'... with... me.
[Lyrics from]
Look and see, I feel the parents hating me.
Ice Cube:
Hurt me. You hurt me.
Why don't you step outside and feel me?
Ice Cube:
Feel me! Feel me! Feel me!
How you gonna tell me where to skate, who to date,
how to fuck, how to kiss, who to love, who to diss,
how to live. What it is, somethin' gotta give.
Parents or the kids, it won't be the kids.
What? It won't be the kids.
We're talking shit, 'cause life is a 'biz.
You know it is. Everybody tryin' to get rich. God damn!
All I wanna do is live. All I wanna do is live.
All I wanna do is live! (x2)
Ice Cube:
All I wanna do is live. (x3)
All... I... want... to... do...
All... I... want... to... do...
All... I... want... to... do... is live.
Ice Cube:
Stop fuckin' with me.
Ice Cube:
Stop... fuckin'... with... me.

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post # 25 | 17.06.2012 , 10:39 PM

Leksi, tema je: "Poucne Pesme" lol

1.Pre postavljanja komentara procitajte Pravila Foruma!
2.Koristite pretragu pre otvaranja nove teme!
3.Pogledajte moje opise igara ovde.

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity !?

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post # 26 | 17.06.2012 , 10:43 PM

Mislim da su mi neke stvari daleko jasnije posle ove pesme...

Evo nos uz nos
zene sa zenama
muskarci sa muskarcima

Kurve s'kurvama
klinke sa matorcima

Tu devicama nije do cedosti
tu blicevima nije do svetlosti
tu sve pocinje na slovo j
j, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja

Tu Ruskinjama nije do pucina
tu se pije krista sabutina
samo za one iznad 12 godina
j, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja

E i ja, e i ja
pusta anestezija
e i ja, e i ja
jos malo bih dodala

E i ja, e i ja
stize anestezija
e i j a, e i ja
u paklu smo ti i ja
e ja

Pa makar pouka bila u tome da vise ne slusate JK :D

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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1026 5825

post # 27 | 18.06.2012 , 0:54 AM

CryTek, pa to i jeste poucna pesma. Covek peva o mestima za sex.

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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106 1817

post # 28 | 18.06.2012 , 11:02 PM

Leksi, ahahah

1.Pre postavljanja komentara procitajte Pravila Foruma!
2.Koristite pretragu pre otvaranja nove teme!
3.Pogledajte moje opise igara ovde.

Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity !?

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6 140

post # 29 | 18.06.2012 , 11:16 PM

Quote (gojkosisa94)
One day you will realize what you got... Lord knows it's gonna be late, baby, it's gonna be late...

Папир сад је крвав, јер срце је на њему
Реповаћу јако да разбијам трему
Емоција јака, па искрена к'о очи
Слику моје душе ја ставићу у оквир
Нека сви је виде и науче по нешто
Поуке из грешака - сад реповаћу бесно
О другу, о рибу, о мени и о свему
Што погађа ме јако ја ставићу у песму
Nikad nećeš znati mnogo dobra pesma :D
Кад сам био мали рек'о ми је стари
"Чувај се другова, змије су другари
Прод'о би те ортак за 200 грама меса
Издаће те онда када највише ти треба"
Част изузецима што их је јако мало
За њих би себе дао, до њих ми је стало
Рек'о сам да ћу и о женама да причам
Ма, шта да вам причам када нису вредне ништа
Нису вредне помена, ни искреног говора
Ал' ипак ћу вам рећи моју судбину са њима
Моја душа је плакала, срце ми се стезало
Мислиш да је њих болео курац за то
Само траже паре - ма, јебале их паре
За вожњу по крају своју невиност би дале
Е, то је оно што ме искрено кида и боли
Што најјаче пичке увек јебу ментоли
Свака част онима што желе само пажњу
Што поклањају емоцију, узимају патњу
Изгубио сам веру да ћу такву више срести
Своју емоцију даје вама забринути песник!

Ти никад нећеш знати како бол гасим
На плочник којим ходам ти никад нећеш стати
Ти никад нећеш знати кол'ко живот је скуп
Кад те пробуди у ноћи стомака празног звук!

Ти никад нећеш знати - љубав нису јакне
Што у излозима висе или реч која се пише
Ти никад нећеш знати бол који носим
Моје срце је хладно к'о маслачак у роси!

Како линије иду, везују једна за другом
Тако убијам бол с' домаћом опојном 'дуњом'
Ја не знам боље од овог да избацим отров
Кућа није за мене - то је ментални логор
Нико не зна твој бол, али свако би да суди
Опрости им, Боже, али погани су људи
Живот бацају под ноге, нико не зна да га цени
Док се не нађу са друге стране јебене цеви
Ово стварно нема смисла, по шавовима пуцам
Ја се молим сваке ноћи, али Бог неће да слуша
Она каже да ме воли, а како да јој верујем
Оглувео сам, бејбе, ту реч више не чујем
Стакла крију очи, гледам вољене на плочи, еј
Хитри бели дани, да л' ће моја жеља доћи на ред
И колики је мој јебени грех
Кад на шалтеру за срећу не помера се ред
Ралност убија, ал' преживећу у сновима
Избегавам ран гроб, јер је мама FU-a подигла
Ако не схватиш ме ти схватиће ме твоје дете
Ово је за птице које никад не полете!

Рек'о сам да ћу и о себи нешто рећи
Слушајте мој став - ево вам пар речи
Ја само желим љубав од оне коју сањам
Искреног ортака, па оног другог склањам
Не враћам се назад, јер су утабани пути
Ставим слушке, идем даље, искулирам и ћутим
Тишина ме испуњава, она ме инспирише
Јако чудно мирише, слух осећај ми подиже
Тад препустим се себи, завирим у таму
Ал' само истина ме поново гура у јаву!

People think I'm shy because I don't talk or participate too much in conversations...
The true is I don't really give a fuck what they're talking about :D

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1074 4736

post # 30 | 20.06.2012 , 1:30 AM

(Who is innocent? No one is innocent. Who is innocent?)
Who is innocent?
Is it relevant in the world today?
I shake my head in disbelief
The killer walks again
Freed by evil men in their dark charade
This can't be happening
A mother's selfish pride
Her child's homicide
Can she be to blame?
The suited vultures circling
A father's cruelty
A murdered family
Is the world insane?
Their defenders ready to embrace their lies
With their devious smiles


Your corruption is like
A cancer growing inside
You owe the world an apology
You've been taught all your life
That truth is easy to hide
You'll face your judgement another day
And suffer eternally

Presumed innocent
Justice fails again in the masquerade
A battered woman trembling
Her lover drunk again
When will the torture end
In her web of shame?
Is death the only way?
A child victimized
The crime politicized
For the counselor's gain
The rabid media congregates
His tortured memories
A pervert's fantasies
Is the world insane?
The parasitic devastation seen
On your TV screen


Your corruption is like
A cancer growing inside
You owe the world an apology
You've been taught all your life
That truth is easy to hide
You'll face your judgement another day
And suffer eternally

False defender, burn forever
Cold and spineless, have you no soul?
Wicked-minded, out of control and guided
By their hunger, they will find new
Ways to betray us


Your corruption is like
A cancer growing inside
You owe the world an apology
You've been taught all your life
That truth is easy to hide
You'll face your judgement another day
And suffer eternally

Who is innocent?
Is it relevant in the world today?
I shake my head in disbelief
Presumed innocent
Justice fails again in the masquerade
Has the whole world become insane?

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post # 31 | 21.06.2012 , 8:50 PM

Sloboda nije bozje sjeme pa da ti ga neko da
Sloboda nije zahvalnica procitana abecednim redom
Sloboda nije krilatica reklamnog panoa
Konstruktivna kritika postojeceg stanja
Sloboda je zena
Uzmi je
Sloboda nije podmetanje ideoloski zakrzljale forme
Sloboda nije pometanje ideoloski bilo kakve norme
Sloboda nije jednostavan domaci zadatak
Ona je svijest o skladu nesklada nesavrsenih ljudi
Sloboda te ceka
Uzmi je
Kontrola lupa vratima
Regularna predstava
Ko ne pamti iznova prozivljava
Sloboda nije mizantropski odbaceno kukavicije jaje
Sloboda nije uzajamno milovanje idiotskih glava
Sloboda nije referada stanicnih setaca
Ona je svijest o skladu nesklada nesavrsenih ljudi
Sloboda je zena
Uzmi je

Poruku je menjao/la Leksi - Cetvrtak, 21.06.2012, 8:51 PM

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 32 | 25.06.2012 , 2:24 AM

Barbarisms by Barbaras
With pointed heels.
Victorious, victories kneel.
For brand new spankin' deals.
Marching forward hypocritic
And hypnotic computers.
You depend on our protection,

Yet you feed us lies from the table cloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

Kneeling roses disappearing,
Into Moses' dry mouth,
Breaking into Fort Knox,
Stealing our intentions,
Hangars sitting dripped in oil,

Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the table cloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

Blast off, it's party time,
And we don't live in a fascist nation,
Blast off, it's party time,
And where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor? [X4]

Kneeling roses disappearing,
Into Moses' dry mouth,
Breaking into Fort Knox,
Stealing our intentions,
Hangars sitting dripped in oil,

Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth.
La la la la la la la la la,
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sun

Where the fuck are you!
Where the fuck are you!

Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor? [X3]
Why, do, they always send the poor [X3]
They only send the poor [x2]

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post # 33 | 25.06.2012 , 7:58 AM

Born down in a dead man town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
Till you spend half your life just covering up

Born in the u.s.a., I was born in the u.s.a.
I was born in the u.s.a., born in the u.s.a.

Got in a little hometown jam
So they put a rifle in my hand
Sent me off to a foreign land
To go and kill the yellow man

Come back home to the refinery
Hiring man said son if it was up to me
Went down to see my v.a. man
He said son, don't you understand

I had a brother at Khe Sahn
Fighting off the Viet Cong
They're still there, he's all gone

He had a woman he loved in Saigon
I got a picture of him in her arms now

Down in the shadow of the penitentiary
Out by the gas fires of the refinery
I'm ten years burning down the road
Nowhere to run aint got nowhere to go

Born in the u.s.a., I was born in the u.s.a.
Born in the u.s.a., I'm a long gone daddy in the u.s.a.
Born in the u.s.a., born in the u.s.a.
Born in the u.s.a., I'm a cool rocking daddy in the u.s.a.

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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post # 34 | 27.06.2012 , 3:24 PM

Manite se kanapa, uzite telefon. tel

Won't go to heaven
She's just another lost soul,
About to be mine again
Leave her
we will receive her
It is beyond your control
will you ever meet again

One of eleven
Who had been rendered unwhole
As a little child,
she was taken
and then forsaken
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again

Devin lies beyond this portal
take the word of one immortal
Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fire with her

Now and forever
you're just another lost soul about to be mine again
see her, you'll never free her
you must surrender it all
If you'd like to meet again

For your desire
As she begins to turn cold for the final time
you will shiver
till you deliver
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again

Devin lies beyond this portal
take the word of one immortal
Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fire with her

Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fire with her

No longer living
Who had been rendered unwhole
As a little child
she was taken,
and then forsaken
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again.

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post # 35 | 28.06.2012 , 4:37 PM

"The Weight"

I pulled into Nazareth, was feelin' about half past dead
I just need some place where I can lay my head
"Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?"
He just grinned and shook my hand, "no" was all he said

Take a load off, Annie
Take a load for free
Take a load off, Annie
And (and) (and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

I picked up my bag, I went lookin' for a place to hide
When I saw Carmen and the Devil walkin' side by side
I said, "Hey, Carmen, come on let's go downtown"
She said, "I gotta go but my friend can stick around"

Take a load off, Annie
Take a load for free
Take a load off, Annie
And (and) (and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

Go down, Miss Moses, there's nothin' you can say
It's just ol' Luke and Luke's waitin' on the Judgment Day
"Well, Luke, my friend, what about young Anna Lee?"
He said, "Do me a favor, son, won'tcha stay and keep Anna Lee company?"

Take a load off, Annie
Take a load for free
Take a load off, Annie
And (and) (and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

Crazy Chester followed me and he caught me in the fog
He said, "I will fix your rack if you'll take Jack, my dog"
I said, "Wait a minute, Chester, you know I'm a peaceful man"
He said, "That's okay, boy, won't you feed him when you can"

Yeah, take a load off, Annie
Take a load for free
Take a load off, Annie
And (and) (and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

Catch a cannon ball now to take me down the line
My bag is sinkin' low and I do believe it's time
To get back to Miss Fanny, you know she's the only one
Who sent me here with her regards for everyone

Take a load off, Annie
Take a load for free
Take a load off, Annie
And (and) (and) you put the load right on me
(You put the load right on me)

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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726 2357

post # 36 | 17.07.2012 , 6:01 PM

Nobody can’t tell you what tomorrow brings
So live your life your life today!
No one is really sure they gonna see tomorrow
Don’t know what’s around the way
Living forever is everyone’s dream
Only salvation is here to stay
If you’re gonna take it to the limit
Don’t fake it, just make it the best that love can be!
Live your life oh, oh, oh!
Live your life oh, oh, oh!

If the life you love, then the love the life you live
If it’s your best shot!
And don’t you stop before you got
Just do your thing and live your life!
And when you’re tired of working
Call your friends and find some time to play
You must enjoy yourself sometimes
Cause you got one life to live, yes!

Never let your friends slide and slip away
The time is here, the place is now
Don’t say tomorrow is another day!
Only salvation is here to stay
Living in the moment,
What a joy to see the children today!
No more hesitation, feel the… incomplete
I’m lacking motivation, life is going and you got to believe
Don’t you wait, just do it now!
Don’t you be afraid about this life we should live it all!

Nobody can’t tell you what tomorrow brings
So live your life your life today!
No one is really sure they gonna see tomorrow
Don’t know what’s around the way
Living forever is everyone’s dream
Only salvation is here to stay
If you’re gonna take it to the limit
Don’t fake it, just make it the best that love can be!
Live your life oh, oh, oh!
Live your life oh, oh, oh!

We‘re living in the age of destruction
Every day is a different …
You stand on!
..when it seem like there is no way … the situation, yeah, yeah!
Remember there’s no time right now, so don’t you let it slip away!
There is no guarantee, no promises.. another day

Nobody can’t tell you what tomorrow brings
So live your life your life today!
No one is really sure they gonna see tomorrow
Don’t know what’s around the way
Living forever is everyone’s dream
Only salvation is here to stay
If you’re gonna take it to the limit
Don’t fake it, just make it the best that love can be!
Live your life oh, oh, oh!
Live your life oh, oh, oh!

“I kad budem najstariji
razumecu djake
koji zvacu zvake,
i kad budem najstariji…”

♡ Visca el Barça ♡
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post # 37 | 23.08.2012 , 5:41 PM

Svi se prave fini, svi igraju prljavo. °°°

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