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Forum moderator: Deki87  
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post # 141 | 18.12.2011 , 3:22 PM

Bez'te curice s glavne ulice...
Kada prode sin jedinac...

Ја сам године провео са тобом, теби дао све за тебе живео...

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post # 142 | 18.12.2011 , 4:22 PM


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post # 143 | 21.12.2011 , 11:18 PM

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post # 144 | 21.12.2011 , 11:37 PM

Ја сам године провео са тобом, теби дао све за тебе живео...

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1026 5825

post # 145 | 22.12.2011 , 0:44 AM

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 146 | 23.12.2011 , 3:46 PM

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post # 147 | 24.12.2011 , 5:07 PM

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 148 | 25.12.2011 , 2:21 PM

Poruku je menjao/la luka83 - Nedelja, 25.12.2011, 2:28 PM

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post # 149 | 25.12.2011 , 4:54 PM

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post # 150 | 30.12.2011 , 4:15 AM

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post # 151 | 01.01.2012 , 8:59 PM

Sinan Sakić - Ej odkad sam se rodio :/


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post # 152 | 04.01.2012 , 3:47 AM

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 153 | 04.01.2012 , 3:53 AM

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post # 154 | 04.01.2012 , 9:42 PM

I'm the only one
That sings the same old song.
I know my destiny was made long ago,
I've yet to make a change.
Its time to rearrange.

I understand, it seems
I'm the last to notice,
How anybody feels.
Is it really 'cause I feel
I'm the one thats owed it.
Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

You look at me the same,
Still I feel the blame.
I was shifting my self,
Removing all the punishment
For never being wrong.
I feel life is too long.

Sometimes i know it seems
I'm the last to notice,
How anybody feels.
Is it really 'cause I feel
I'm the one thats owed it.
Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

All my pride leaves me vacant
For the sorrow i'm to blame.
But i know if i could just let go,
I could find a better way.
Only, Am I the only one?
Who thinks and breathes,
What no-one see's.
I'm the only one.

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1026 5825

post # 155 | 05.01.2012 , 10:30 PM

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 156 | 05.01.2012 , 10:44 PM

Sve sto mi treba jesi ti! :) B)

yes yes

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post # 157 | 06.01.2012 , 2:56 AM

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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post # 158 | 07.01.2012 , 7:46 PM

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 159 | 07.01.2012 , 8:40 PM

Honda klub Srbija

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post # 160 | 08.01.2012 , 2:45 AM

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?
