My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.
My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.
My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.
Added (13 Sep 2012, 4:54 PM) --------------------------------------------- jaoooo malo mi se poremetio zbog painta jer nisam new pa new pa new nego sam samo Ctrl i V preko toga jaooo ali vidi se pogotovo 1 i 2 slika