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FIFA - Jedina dozvoljena tema

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post # 21 | 09.10.2011 , 8:20 PM

Imam jedan problem! Hocu da igram fifu 12 preko joystick-a ali kad udjem na match rigth analog stick za finte ne radi zasto??? ako moze pomoc? SKINUO SAM FULL VERZIJU 100%


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post # 22 | 09.10.2011 , 9:35 PM

pa mozda nisi namestio idi pogledaj u kontrole opet ako i tamo nema onda neznam sta je !

ExtraCafe Public ----->
ExtraCafe Deathrun ----->

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post # 23 | 09.01.2012 , 10:01 PM

Igrica je super i veoma zahtevna :D

Poruku je menjao/la Zvezdino_Dete - Ponedeljak, 09.01.2012, 10:04 PM

Svi Psi Idu U Raj :D

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31 371

post # 24 | 17.01.2012 , 4:12 AM

Fifa je extra igica samo sto nemam pojma da je igram na ezzi gubim jedno 3:0 :D


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post # 25 | 27.03.2012 , 0:29 AM

Meni svakako bolja od pesa, naj nogometna igra ikad

Freddie Mercury
Gone but not forgotten!

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731 4208

post # 26 | 26.04.2012 , 9:55 AM

Ipak mi je bolja FIFA od Pes,nekako prava simulacija,a PES mi dođe više kao i PES je dobar :D

Upornost je osobina upornih.


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11 216

post # 27 | 04.06.2012 , 8:06 PM

We?ve got our hands on the first screens of FIFA 13and many other information about the features that the upcoming FIFAwill have.

In our first article about FIFA 13we?ve told you about that secret showcase that EA Sports held in London last month.Well in that showcase EA Sports released the first details about FIFA 13and the very first set of screens:

(The screen were made in an early beta version of FIFA 13)

At the showcase,the main producer David Rutter,told to his guests that FIFA 13 will have 5 major improvements and we will list them bellow:

- First Touch Control

One of the first things to do at FIFA 13 was to implement a more realistic ball control.Now it will be more difficult to control a receiving ball with your player.It all depends on the strength, the speed, the ball height and the technical skills of your player to achieve the control of the ball and run with it.

- Player Impact

Another feature that got improved is the player impact engine.There will be no more unrealistic animations in the players challenges!The engine has been optimized and new a set of impact values ​​has been added at the hip and the upper body area.

- Complete Dribble

In FIFA 12 you could dribble just by changing direction,in FIFA 13 this won?t be possible anymore!

- Tactical Free-Kicks

The free-kicks got a new free kick system.Up to three players can now gather around the ball and make fun of the opponent?s defense and goalie. You can now feint a direct shot and adjust it to a player who comes off the wall. Also the defense set pieces have been improved to go with the new free kick system.For example, you can make a defensive team with more players into the wall and send out a player to block the ball.

- Attacking AI

The offensive Artificial Intelligence got a huge improvement. The CPU-controlled players got better running routes and better guessing options of where you pass the ball.Also the strikers are smarter and move with the offside line of your defenders,waiting to receive the ball and run with it towards your goal post.

Beside all of these improvements, David Rutter still wants to make other upgrades to the game such as, new passing types,new shot rotation moves and new goalkeeper animations.Also the cheering animations have been adjusted to the current football atmosphere.One last thing he really wants to improve is the referee!

Source: game2gether

The graphics inFIFA 13will also have a big update after EA Sports adopted the new Dimensional Imaging software to boost player likeness!Full article here.

At the release date forFIFA 13was unveiled.As you can see in the next screen the date is29/09/2012!

Nemojte da otvarate 1000 novih tema vezanu za Fifu 13 ovde pitajte sta vam nije jasno i sta mislite o igri...:)

Poruku je menjao/la EzioAuditore - Ponedeljak, 04.06.2012, 8:07 PM

Jesen stiže, dunjo moja, ja i dalje štrebam..

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339 4044

post # 28 | 04.06.2012 , 8:09 PM

Nije ti ovo engleski sajt angry2 .. haha :)

Poruku je menjao/la ManCity - Ponedeljak, 04.06.2012, 8:09 PM

Zajebavam sistem
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post # 29 | 04.06.2012 , 8:11 PM

Al' si se pomucio da napravis temu, svaka ti dala. :) Inace, tema bi trebalo da se spoji. :)

Kakav spid, kakav eks, bolje gandza onda seks

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11 216

post # 30 | 04.06.2012 , 8:15 PM

Quote (ManCity)
Nije ti ovo engleski sajt .. haha

Ako neznas engleski zasta ti sluzi google translate :p

Jesen stiže, dunjo moja, ja i dalje štrebam..

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98 1163

post # 31 | 07.06.2012 , 1:36 PM

Stefan-, haahhah :D
Inače,i Meni Je Bolja Fifa.....Ima Neki Specifičan Šmek :D

Life is Like a Box of Ammo...

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post # 32 | 07.06.2012 , 2:25 PM

fifa my love

Pivo, vino, sljiva, loza, to je moja dijagnoza.

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2 40

post # 33 | 03.07.2012 , 10:47 AM

pes je bolji ali ovaj put ce biti fifa 13 bolja :)

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3 61

post # 34 | 20.07.2012 , 0:19 AM

Jedva čekam Fifu 13 jooooooooj....

Freddie Mercury
Gone but not forgotten!

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post # 35 | 23.07.2012 , 11:00 PM

Da li neko zna kako skinuti FIFA 7 sa neta ali da nije DEMO :D :D :D MOLIM VAS POMOZITE MI !!!!!!!!!!!

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post # 36 | 04.08.2012 , 2:04 AM

Quote (Ajren_Robben)
Da li neko zna kako skinuti FIFA 7 sa neta ali da nije DEMO MOLIM VAS POMOZITE MI !!!!!!!!!!!

Evo ti link da skines preko torrent --->

Poruku je menjao/la GHosT_R1DeR - Subota, 04.08.2012, 2:05 AM

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15 262

post # 37 | 22.08.2012 , 4:10 PM

Po meni je FIFA bolja nego PES :D

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49 748

post # 38 | 22.08.2012 , 5:00 PM

Quote (TwinHeadedEagle)
Po meni je FIFA bolja nego PES

bolja je i po meni...videcemo kako ce KONAMI da odgovori :)


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4 112

post # 39 | 19.04.2013 , 11:03 PM

Igra je odlicna.

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49 748

post # 40 | 19.05.2013 , 11:26 AM

Jedno kratko obavestenje za fifu 14,uradjene su nove face za neke igrace,dodali su novu mehaniku suta,gragika je za sada ostala ista,to je opisano u prvom obavestenju :-)

