Step 1: install PDANet to pc here is link Step 2: While installing PDANet u ll get windows prompt...... click on Install Anyway
Step 3: During installation further u ll get a pop up saying..... Insure USB Debugging is On.... etc connect ur Phone n click on Yes (You must have turn on usb debugging in your phone for that go to settings > applications > development > Usb debugging)
Stup 4: Install SuperOneClick to your pc, Download SuperOneClick 1.9.5 (Later versions May NOT WORK!) Here is link Step 5: Go to the Downloaded SuperOneClick folder,there will be a folder called "ADB" open it. There you will find 2 adb.exe files,one for Win 7,and one for Win XP.
Open your required file, it will show a command prompt window, Type "adb devices" and you should get something like 1234567890ABCDEF
If you get that,just close it.
Step 6: Now right click on Superoneclick icon and run as administrator.
Stup 7: Hit the Root button in superoneclick window and it will start rooting ur fone.
Step 8: while rooting it will ask u to.... Chek it by test ok n ur phone is rooted ( To ensure u can c superuser app in your phones apps after rooting)
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