Kako rutovati telefon
post # 1 | 05.06.2012 , 11:42 AM
Imam Samsung Galaxy Mini i zanima me kako da ga rutujem...ako neko zna plz kazite :D :D
1.Pre postavljanja komentara procitajte Pravila Foruma! 2.Koristite pretragu pre otvaranja nove teme! 3.Pogledajte moje opise igara ovde.
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity !?
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Acta NoN Verba / Djela ne riječi.
post # 2 | 05.06.2012 , 12:01 PM
http://www.extracafe.rs/avatar/22/679664.jpg http://www.extracafe.rs/avatar/87/050459.jpg
My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.
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post # 3 | 05.06.2012 , 12:04 PM
Axa, video sam taj klip, samo neznam jel to to ? nema vise posla oko toga ?
Added (05 Jun 2012, 12:04 PM) --------------------------------------------- Zanimame, ako je neko ovo pre radio, moze li da dodje do nekog problema, da zeznem nesto ?
1.Pre postavljanja komentara procitajte Pravila Foruma! 2.Koristite pretragu pre otvaranja nove teme! 3.Pogledajte moje opise igara ovde.
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity !?
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post # 4 | 16.07.2012 , 10:48 PM
Da to je ovaj klip to sam ja radio.Moze da pregori telefon kao meni jer ja rtd 5 puta ga rutovao
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post # 5 | 16.07.2012 , 11:31 PM
CryTek,mozda ti ovaj tutorijal ti moze pomoci.
3.How to root any Android phone
Now, before we begin, you must know that different versions of Android requires different rooting processes ! 1. IF YOU ARE USING ANDROID 2.2 OR LESS FOLLOW THESE STEPS : a) First thing you want to do is : Download Samsung Kies , then download SuperOneClick . b) Connect your phone to the computer/laptop via USB cable. (NOTE : MAKE SURE YOUR BATTERY IS OVER 80%) c) Start the application SuperOneClick, then click "ROOT" d)Wait for your device to root,then reboot. P.S.: If your phone is not detected by your computer/Samsung Kies then download these drivers.(32 bit) For 64 bit just Google 'em IMPORTANT NOTE : DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! I rooted a few devices and nothing bad happened BUT JUST BECAUSE I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING !! MAKE SURE YOU DO THE SAME !! P.S 2.:If you want to update your OS to the newest version start Samsung Kies and connect your phone via USB cable, then follow the steps. 2.IF YOU ARE USING ANDROID 2.3 OR HIGHER FOLLOW THESE STEPS: a) Download this file and put it in your SD card (just paste it there, DO NOT create any other folder) b) Turn OFF your phone,then open it in RECOVERY MODE ( how to do that ? type on google : "how to start in recovery mode 'your phone name' ) Once you done that , you will see a few lines.Scroll down to "apply update from sdcard" (scroll with you volume keys/trackball) select it (home button),then in the menu that just appeared , select upd_1.zip (the file you just pasted in you SD card). After you done that,wait a few seconds then select "reboot system". AGAIN : DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK !!! (its not very risky actually...it is only if you are mentally retarded)
AndoiDoom tutorials
Poruku je menjao/la Bricka_1 - Ponedeljak, 16.07.2012, 11:35 PM
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