Znaci skino sam igricu Call of Juarez i kada pokrenem setup izbaci mi "Error 1628: Failed to complete installation."
Gledao sam po internetu kako rijesiti problem i vidio sam da par ljudi ima isti problem sa drugim igricama eh sada nasao sam 2 rjesenja za koja kazu da su im pomoga...
It looks like due to low permission this thing is happening. For that there is a small fix that might help you to some extent. For that go on Control Panel and then click on Local Security Settings. In that look for Software Restriction Policies. Double click on Enforcement and choose Apply Software Restriction. Check that you allow all users there. This would give the admin rights to run patches and software in your system. I hope this would be the only issue. About patches I am not sure whether they work or don't work on different hardware architecture.
Thanks for that answer. It really worked for me. I had seen the settings before and was not able to locate any software restrictions. If you are still confused with the settings then you can find the same under Performance Maintenance > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Software Restriction. You just need to double click to create one and set a fresh policy. That's all. Then try back to run the patch it would work.
Eh sad jel moze meni neko da objasni kako da ja dodjem do ovoga sto su oni napisali, jer stvarno ne mogu da nadjem dodjem na Control Panel i tu ne mogu nista da nadjem, inace imam Win7... Added (28.09.2014, 5:36 PM)
Ne morate se muciti, nasao sam ovo sve sto je navedeno i nije pomoglo u rjesenju igrice