cod 1,cod 2,cod4,cod 5 harry potter 1,2,3,4,5,6, kininiku banzuke road to sasuke,brother in arms , doom 3,quake 4,fifa 08,09,10,11,gta 3,vc,sa,scarface,portal,poStal 2,need for speed undergound 1,2, most wanted,carbon,return to castle wolfenstein,alien shooter 1,2 ,cs 1.6,counter strike source, devil may cry 3 special edition,the punisher,simpsons hit&run,monkey island 1,2,3,4,croc 1,2, far cry 1,hitman codename 47,contracts,silent assassin,blood money,resident evil 1,2,3,4,5, manhunt 1,2,enter the matrix,matrix path of neo,mafia,the godfather 1,2,madagascar 1,2, wwe impact 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,pcsx2 za playstation 2 sve igre preko emulatora,
Veruj mi znam jos milion puta vise ali i mrzi me da pisem,i trebam malo da se setim... Niko vise ne mora da pise dosta ti je ovo... Sorry nisam video da je dual xD ali nema veze... Sada Lock please...
Poruku je menjao/la Deniro_Bre - Ponedeljak, 27.08.2012, 4:02 PM