Treba mi neki program sa kojim mogu da menjam format slike rezoluciju itd. Da mogu da stavim da slika bude bilo koje rezolucije npr. 240x175 i da mogu da je promenim iz JPG u PNG itd.
My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.
Photoshop cs3... Na PCu imam cs5 al mi je otisao monitor tako da do popravke sam osudjen da koristim laptop.Ovde na laptopu imam CS3 portable na kom ne radi text tool... Trazio sam na netu resenje ali svi odgovori su za klasican CS3... Skinuo sam kilo torenta i nista,skidao sam sve sto mi padne pod ruku cs3,cs4,sc5...i svi su bili corak Ako neko zna gde moze da se skine ISPRAVAN cs3 sa krekom,znacilo bi mi
My Father was always in a good spirits, he loved Football. It makes me a bit sad because if he could enjoy seeing me now, what I have achivet, that would be a hight in his life.