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Top lista najboljih svetskih piva

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post # 1 | 27.05.2011 , 7:57 AM

Ovo je top lista najboljih svetskih piva.....meni je malo čudna .....kliknite na Srbiju da vidite top listu....

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post # 2 | 31.05.2011 , 7:35 AM

Ma daj,ovo nema veze sa istinom... Zna se u Srbiji 1.JELEN 2. LAV i to je to.... biggrin

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

Par reči o sebi
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post # 3 | 05.07.2011 , 1:10 AM

A Niško xDxDxD

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post # 4 | 05.07.2011 , 6:44 AM

Quote (badule)
Ma daj,ovo nema veze sa istinom... Zna se u Srbiji 1.JELEN 2. LAV i to je to

pa to je top lista piva u srbiji ali i ja mislim iako nepijem da jelen i lav treba da zauzimaju prva dva mesta smile

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post # 5 | 05.07.2011 , 3:33 PM

ccc samo na alcohol mislite

ExtraCafe Public ----->
ExtraCafe Deathrun ----->

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post # 6 | 05.07.2011 , 4:28 PM

U Bosni Banjalucki Djordje pa Banjalucki Nektar a svi piju jelen biggrin

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post # 7 | 05.07.2011 , 9:42 PM

JELEN... biggrin

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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22 277

post # 8 | 28.07.2011 , 0:41 AM

nisam probao ni jedno.... tako da cu da cutim....

Imal iko ruku da mi da ..... al' da stvari posmatra ko ja ....... da ne kaze vreme ce izbrisat bol ..... nek brise svaciji ja hocu svoj ......... Imal igde mesto daleko od sveg ..... gde mogu da ne cujem tudji smeh ..... da ne cujem vreme ce izbrisat bol ...... nek brise svaciji ja hocu svoj !!!!!!!

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post # 9 | 28.07.2011 , 5:44 PM

Quote (Mali_Zmaj)
nisam probao ni jedno.... tako da cu da cutim....

i ja cu da cutim...

kako instalirati igru kako krekovati pc igru kako postaviti sliku na profil

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post # 10 | 30.07.2011 , 11:13 PM evo jedne teme u kojoj i ja imam nesto za reci a da zaista znam o cemu pricam......

ovaj popis nema veze sa zdravom pamecu.... odrastao sam u hrvatskoj a nikada nisam cuo za crikvenicko pivo, zivio sam u austriji a za nju pise da je najbolje weisen( hefe weisen ) je inace pivo s dodatkom kvasca i ima okus kao da lizete kocku germe...jako malo ljudi pije tu vrstu piva...... a u njemackoj beks sigurno nije medu 100 najboljih piva... mislim da se je netko nasalio s tim popisom...

osim toga najbolje pivo znaci sto????
a) najprodavanije?
b) najbolje ocijenjeno?
c) najkvalitetnije?

necu sada o markama nego o vrstama piva... meni osobno je najdrazi dunkel (crno pivo s 5-9%alkohola)iza njega cista suprotnost, pils... svijetlo pivo s malim postokom alkohola i s manje hmelja, dakle i manje gorcine...

a sada jedna tuzna i porazavajuca cinjenica... u hrvatskoj nikada nisam vidio polje hmelja a ima oko 20-ak pivovara... neznam kako stvar s hmeljom stoji u srbiji, ali znam da i Hrvati i Srbi piju pivo koje je kvalitetno samo zbog toga sto imamo dobru vodu koja je osnova za pivo, ali hmelj u nasa piva nejde to je sigurno... pijemo kojekakvu kemiju koja se prodaje pod imenom pivo....

Poruku je menjao/la vladogrozni - Subota, 30.07.2011, 11:20 PM

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post # 11 | 30.07.2011 , 11:17 PM

Quote (vladogrozni)
a u njemackoj beks sigurno nije medu 100 najboljih piva...

Daj nam brate top listu iz Nemacke posalji.... biggrin

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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post # 12 | 30.07.2011 , 11:22 PM

ovdje ti je to komplicirano jer ima pivara koliko i naselja.... u svakom mjestu se najvise pije lokalno pivo... ali ovo s becsom je cista glupost...

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post # 13 | 30.07.2011 , 11:25 PM

A sto se tice hmelja uglavnom ga ima u Backoj,ali i to nije dovoljno za potrosnju pa se ili uvozi ili pravi od kojekakvih koncentrata....
Hmeljarstvo je unosno ,ali zahteva strucnost i dosta radne snage,te se poljoprivrednici tesko odlucuju za gajenje ove kulture...

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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post # 14 | 30.07.2011 , 11:30 PM

Ja sam si s pivom u odlicnim odnosima, za sada mi je najbolje pivo koje sam pio Hacker-Pschorr, Münchener Dunkel... cisti uzitak... samo 5% alkohola a idealna kombinacija slatkoce i gorcine.... mljac... mislim da ima jos jedan u frizideru... za pola sata ce biti: bio je jedan u frizideru...

Added (30 Jul 2011, 11:30 PM)
Quote (badule)
Daj nam brate top listu iz Nemacke posalji....

Get to Know German Beer

Think German beer and chances are the first thing that will pop into mind will be pale-straw colored German Pils. The casual beer drinker can be forgiven for thinking that German brewers exclusively produce the same stuff. But the German beer scene is vastly more complex than that. There is a huge range of lagers and ales brewed there. Here are ten examples that can give you a taste of the many beers of Germany.

Find your About Beer Guide's other Top Ten Beers lists here.

1. Pilsner
Let's get Pilsner out of the way first, shall we? There are many great German Pilsners available. They are crisp, refreshing, and have a delightful hoppy bite.

To learn more about Pilsner check out this profile of the style.

2. Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier
Many brewers produce wheat beers but nobody can do it better than the Bavarians. The unique flavor and aroma of this cloudy style comes from the special yeast used to ferment the blend of malted barley and wheat. Weihenstephaner has been making this marvelous stuff almost longer than anyone else.

4. Einbecker Ur-Bock
For the first of the bocks on my list I chose the first of the bocks. This dark, malty style was developed and took its name from the German town Einbeck. The Einbecker brewery continues to brew bock and its Ur-Bock is widely recognized as one of the best examples of the style.

5. Paulaner Salvator Doppel Bock
Doppel bocks are darker and richer than bocks. Paulaner's Salvator is a fine example of this style. All bocks are lagers so, despite the big flavors, they are still crisp and clean with some sweetness.

6. Ayinger Bräu-Hell - Helles or Maibock
Helles or maibock is a pale colored bock. Despite its color it is still quite malty in flavor but it's generally hoppier than other bocks. It was originally developed as the Bavarian answer to Pilsner.

7. Goose Island Summertime - Kölsch
Purists are groaning as they see my choice for the Kölsch entry is actually brewed in Chicago. But the best Kölsch style beers are brewed in Cologne and rarely make it past the German border. (The word Kölsch comes from the German name for Cologne - Köln) The few that make it out can be hard to find. Luckily, Summertime is a fine example of the style. Kölsch is an unusual beer because it is brewed with ale yeast but it is aged like a lager. It is pale and refreshing with moderate hopping.

8. Alaskan Brewing Co. Amber - Alt
Good German brewed alt is also hard to find outside of Germany so I offer this fine example from Alaskan Brewing Co. Alt is subtler than you would expect from it's brown or amber color. It is slightly malty with hardly any hops aroma. It is usually rather bitter but not aggressively so.

9. Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier
Rauchbier or smoke beer is a very unusual style. The beer itself is a lot like Oktoberfest, sweet and malty. But the smoke flavoring adds a completely unexpected element to the profile. Some drinkers describe the flavor to be like beef jerky or even leather. It is worth tracking down a bottle if you've never tried it before.

10. Berliner Kindl Weisse
Berliner weisse is another very unusual style of beer. The flavor and character comes from deliberately soured grains. It is tart and tangy and very refreshing. Many fans of this style like to add fruit or herb flavored syrups but I like it just the way it is.

Poruku je menjao/la vladogrozni - Subota, 30.07.2011, 11:38 PM

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post # 15 | 01.08.2011 , 0:37 AM

BG biggrin

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post # 16 | 01.08.2011 , 4:12 AM

Moj cale mi je pricao kako je na,ovogodisnjem sajmu piva u BG,probao neko pivo koje ima tako lep ukusu da je on otkinuo na to pivo smile
PS:Ne znam koja je vrsta...


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post # 17 | 01.08.2011 , 5:25 AM

vladogrozni, TI SI U RAJU..... Ali na zemlji... Neka,brate,zasluzio si... biggrin biggrin biggrin

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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17 283

post # 18 | 01.08.2011 , 10:59 AM

ma LAV jedan jednini najbolji

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post # 19 | 01.08.2011 , 12:33 PM

Hehehe malo su statistike piva pobrkali ali dobro je smile

We do not forgive,
We do not forget,

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post # 20 | 01.08.2011 , 9:09 PM

Quote (badule)
vladogrozni, TI SI U RAJU..... Ali na zemlji... Neka,brate,zasluzio si...

brate, nije ti ovo raj, ovo je pakao...
to je kao da pred tebe netko postavi 1001 curu i da kaze da izaberes jednu...
ili kao da slozi 1001 lonac sarme pa da ti pusti da biras...

uvijek mislis da postoji bolje od onoga koje si izabrao....

Poruku je menjao/la vladogrozni - Utorak, 02.08.2011, 8:57 AM

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