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Forum moderator: Deki87  
Pesma koja je uspela da vas rastuzi ili rasplace

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post # 41 | 25.10.2011 , 1:48 PM

Nemoj odustati od onog koga volis,jebeš život ako se ne boriš.
Slomi mi srce slomicu ti glavu

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1074 4736

post # 42 | 28.10.2011 , 12:20 PM

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post # 43 | 28.10.2011 , 12:27 PM

Često sam na sebe ljut, šta me tera na taj put, uvek drugim ženama.
Kad je od svih najlepša, kad je od svih najbolja, žena kojoj pripadam... :( uzid :(
I dobro znam da proklet sam, što ne mogu njoj da samo se dam... :( :(

Poruku je menjao/la Marija_Nikola - Petak, 28.10.2011, 12:31 PM

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post # 44 | 28.10.2011 , 1:16 PM


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away

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post # 45 | 18.11.2011 , 12:44 PM

Koji covek je covek,ako ne cini svet boljim?

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post # 46 | 18.11.2011 , 5:31 PM

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post # 47 | 18.11.2011 , 7:06 PM

"Cuvam te, ne dam te nikom,
ja samo s tobom zelim sve.
Cuvam te, ne dam te nikom,
ni da mi sve u zivotu stane.

Cuvaj me, ne daj me nikom,
ja tebe necu nikada,
Cuvaj me, ne daj me nikom,
sve sto sam ja sve ti pripada.

Da ti se svet srusi ceo,
mog sveta deo, dacu, SAMO OSTANI TU,
i kad ne znas gde ces,
ni kako do srece, ja znacu, SAMO OSTANI TU." ❤ ❤ ❤

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post # 48 | 18.11.2011 , 7:17 PM

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post # 49 | 20.11.2011 , 1:44 PM

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post # 50 | 20.11.2011 , 7:54 PM

"Por una mirada- un mundo, por una sonrisa- un cielo, por un beso...yo no se que te diera por un beso! "

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1 44

post # 51 | 23.11.2011 , 8:59 PM

Mene ova

Bebe nek se radjaju poruka je severa necemo da Srbija bude zemlja pedera!!!!!

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4891 18209

post # 52 | 25.11.2011 , 7:48 PM

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post # 53 | 25.11.2011 , 8:12 PM

pesma se zove nema vise druga mog :( :( :(

pozdrav svima

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148 2299

post # 54 | 25.11.2011 , 8:20 PM

Deniro - Oprosti Mama

i to jakoooooo <3

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post # 55 | 26.11.2011 , 0:40 AM

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post # 56 | 26.11.2011 , 3:05 PM

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post # 57 | 27.11.2011 , 4:46 PM

Prevedeno na engleski:

Chorus 1:
We are truly insignificant
And that's what my friend the rose
Told me this morning

Verse 1:
I was born at dawn
Baptised in dew
I blossomed
In the rays of the sun
Happy and in love
I closed my petals at night
And when I awoke I was old.
Yet I had been beautiful
Yes, I was the most beautiful
Of all the flowers in your garden

Chorus 1

Verse 2
See, the God that made me
Now makes me bow my head
And I feel I'm falling
And I feel I'm falling
My heart is almost bare
I have a foot in my grave
Already I am nothing
You admired me only yesterday
And I shall be dust
Forever, tomorrow

Chorus 2:
We are truly insignificant
And my friend the rose
Died this morning

Verse 3
Last night the moon
Kept vigil over my friend
And in a dream I saw
Her soul, dancing
Dazzling and naked,
Above the heavens,
Smiling on me.
Let those who can, believe
But I need Hope
Or else I am nothing

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946 4023

post # 58 | 29.12.2011 , 1:13 AM

:( :(

Nemoj odustati od onog koga volis,jebeš život ako se ne boriš.
Slomi mi srce slomicu ti glavu

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1181 12635

post # 59 | 29.12.2011 , 1:23 AM

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post # 60 | 29.12.2011 , 1:39 AM

Nemoj odustati od onog koga volis,jebeš život ako se ne boriš.
Slomi mi srce slomicu ti glavu
