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Forum moderator: Deki87  
Pesma koja je uspela da vas rastuzi ili rasplace

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1074 4736

post # 61 | 03.01.2012 , 0:08 AM

She came calling
One early morning
She showed her crown of thorns
She whispered softly
To tell a story
About how she had been wronged
As she lay lifeless
He stole her innocence
And this is how she carried on
This is how she carried on

Well I guess she closed her eyes
And just imagined everything's alright
But she could not hide her tears
'Cause they were sent to wash away those years
They were sent to wash away those years...

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1181 12635

post # 62 | 03.01.2012 , 0:09 AM

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post # 63 | 03.01.2012 , 6:02 PM

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1026 5825

post # 64 | 03.01.2012 , 11:31 PM

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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post # 65 | 04.01.2012 , 7:58 PM

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post # 66 | 04.01.2012 , 8:05 PM

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post # 67 | 09.01.2012 , 2:49 PM

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1026 5825

post # 68 | 09.01.2012 , 9:44 PM

~~ Ubi me prejaka rijec! ~~
~~ Nista se ne zavrsava, sve se menja! ~~

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65 697

post # 69 | 09.01.2012 , 9:47 PM

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3 57

post # 70 | 10.01.2012 , 3:55 PM

Цео живот нечему се надаш,осетиш да живиш оног трена када падаш,
Трипујеш да летиш,човек си па немаш крила,када кренеш да падаш
онда кажеш Бога има...

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228 2087

post # 71 | 10.01.2012 , 4:12 PM

:( cry

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1181 12635

post # 72 | 10.01.2012 , 4:28 PM

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228 2087

post # 73 | 10.01.2012 , 4:33 PM

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post # 74 | 10.01.2012 , 5:13 PM

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228 2087

post # 75 | 10.01.2012 , 5:19 PM

:( :( :( :(

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post # 76 | 10.01.2012 , 5:55 PM

znam d aje narodna muzika puna kica i sunda , ali nekada su neki tekstovi ispisani stvarno zato sto je neko osetio bol i onda je neko otpevao , zato mislim da je ovo jako lepa pesma

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1181 12635

post # 77 | 10.01.2012 , 6:44 PM

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5 5

post # 78 | 10.01.2012 , 6:53 PM

Ova me uspjela rastužiti:

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946 4023

post # 79 | 17.01.2012 , 3:47 PM

Nemoj odustati od onog koga volis,jebeš život ako se ne boriš.
Slomi mi srce slomicu ti glavu

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128 1154

post # 80 | 17.01.2012 , 5:09 PM

ma bre sergej pogledi u tami
