Filmovi sa Vampirima
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post # 1 | 19.09.2012 , 9:50 PM
Neki od mojih omiljenih su Underworld , Bram Stoker's Dracula , Dracula: Dead and Loving It , From Dusk Till Dawn ..
"The man who has no imagination has no wings." Muhammad Ali
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post # 2 | 19.09.2012 , 11:27 PM
Volim ih gledati, inace omiljeni su mi: 30 Days of Night, Underworld, Blade, The Lost Boys, Dracula ~ Dead and Loving It, Abraham Lincoln ~ Vampire Hunter itd.
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post # 3 | 22.09.2012 , 1:03 AM
Daybreakers je dobar
My crew B)
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post # 4 | 22.09.2012 , 1:33 AM
30 Days of night
Poruku je menjao/la Moonchild007 - Subota, 22.09.2012, 1:34 AM
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896 poruka na forumu
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post # 5 | 22.09.2012 , 1:47 AM
Daaaa filmovi tog zanra tj. horori su mi omiljeni i takodje ona serija na nasem sajtu Moonlight mi se svidja Od filmova 30 Days of Night,Vampirski asistent...i mnogi drugi
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317 poruka na forumu
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post # 6 | 26.09.2012 , 3:39 PM
nisam bas ljubitelj.. vise volim filmove o duhovima
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♡ Visca el Barça ♡
post # 7 | 02.11.2012 , 11:13 AM
Definitivno najbolji..
Svi se prave fini, svi igraju prljavo. °°°
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post # 8 | 02.11.2012 , 11:53 AM
Salem`s Lot. Ubedljivo. long as the Lords in my life I will have no fear, I will know no pain from the light to the dark...
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post # 9 | 02.11.2012 , 3:14 PM
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
Kad moj te poljubac ko pice udari, u zoru ceka te soba u ludari !
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195 poruka na forumu
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post # 10 | 02.11.2012 , 3:28 PM
The twilight saga.
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post # 11 | 02.11.2012 , 4:21 PM
Obozavam da gledam filmove o vampirima omiljeni filmovi su mi ovi:
Blade 1,2,3 deo
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000)
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
Dracula (1992)
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post # 13 | 03.01.2013 , 8:28 PM
30 Days of Night, Underworld...
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post # 15 | 26.02.2013 , 9:29 PM
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