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Forum moderator: Deki87  
Stih pesme koji vam se vrti po glavi

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1074 4736

post # 701 | 27.10.2012 , 11:03 PM

Pizza- pizza pie,
Every minute, every second,
Buy, buy, buy, buy, buy,
What a splendid pie,
Pizza- pizza pie,
Every minute, every second,
Buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, Pepperoni and green peppers
Mushrooms, olive, chives,
Pepperoni and green peppers
Mushrooms, olive, chives, Need therapy, therapy,
Advertising causes need,
Therapy, therapy,
Advertising causes need,
Therapy, therapy...

poruka na forumu
1796 7915

post # 702 | 28.10.2012 , 7:19 AM

They say music can alter moods and talk to you
Well can it load a gun up for you , and cock it too
Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude
Just tell the judge it was my fault and i'll get sued
See what these kids do is hear about us totin' pistols
And they want to get one cause they think the shit's cool
Not knowin' we really just protectin' ourselves, we entertainers

poruka na forumu
1074 4736

post # 703 | 29.10.2012 , 12:40 PM

'Cause down inside of you
Deep inside of you
Down inside of you
Is all of heaven and hell

poruka na forumu
1796 7915

post # 704 | 29.10.2012 , 8:03 PM

I came to the club drunk with a fake ID
Don't you wanna grow up to be just like me!
I've been with 10 women who got HIV
Now don't you wanna grow up to be just like me!
I got genital warts and it burns when I pee
Don't you wanna grow up to be just like me!
I tie a rope around my penis and jump from a tree
You probably wanna grow up to be just like me!!!

poruka na forumu
169 2743

post # 705 | 29.10.2012 , 8:59 PM

[move]Hajde mala da pravimo lom..[/move] :D

imala je samo jednu manu, branila mi da idem u kafanu.
kada umrem ne zovite popa neka mene konobar zakopa!

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post # 706 | 29.10.2012 , 9:09 PM

volim noc volim mrak ja sam partimanijak klub je moja adresa svaku noc svaki dan novi sad il beograd zivim zivot bez stresa.......

poruka na forumu
1796 7915

post # 707 | 29.10.2012 , 9:13 PM

Now I'm gonna make you dance
It's your chance
Yeah boy shake that ass
Oops I mean girl girl girl girl
Girl you know you're my world
Alright now lose it
Just lose it
Go crazy
Oh baby
Oh baby, baby

poruka na forumu
1074 4736

post # 708 | 31.10.2012 , 4:09 PM

Live, fight, crawl back inside
Sick, blind, love left behind
And I won't live your weak wicked lie
You pull me in, I'm one step behind

poruka na forumu
1796 7915

post # 709 | 31.10.2012 , 11:18 PM

Lately I've been hard to reach, I've been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world where they can be alone
Are you calling me? Are you trying to get through
Are you reaching out for me, like I'm reaching out for you?

♡ Visca el Barça ♡
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5196 19101

post # 710 | 31.10.2012 , 11:28 PM

Osecam da vise niko ljubav mi nece postati, na srcu prazna rupa ce ostati. Osecam da vise nikad niko mi nece trebati, za svojom senkom dugo cu gledati. :)

Svi se prave fini, svi igraju prljavo. °°°

poruka na forumu
1796 7915

post # 711 | 01.11.2012 , 0:02 AM

And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel no pain
Just smile back

♡ Visca el Barça ♡
poruka na forumu
5196 19101

post # 712 | 01.11.2012 , 12:52 PM

Nekad si htela sve  bio sam tvoj licni heroj  nikad mi u narucju  nisi rekla ne, nemoj Sad se vise ne trudis  zivis od stare slave i sve sto mi ponudis  deo je predstave!! :)

Svi se prave fini, svi igraju prljavo. °°°

poruka na forumu
1796 7915

post # 713 | 01.11.2012 , 6:06 PM

Hi kids! Do you like violence? (Yeah yeah yeah!)
Wanna see me stick Nine Inch Nails through each one of my eyelids? (Uh-huh!)
Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did? (Yeah yeah!)
Try 'cid and get fucked up worse that my life is? (Huh?)

♡ Visca el Barça ♡
poruka na forumu
5196 19101

post # 714 | 02.11.2012 , 0:37 AM

Zanjisi kukovima, zaigraj bokovima. I nemoj da se foliras ti to umes ti to znas. !! :D

Svi se prave fini, svi igraju prljavo. °°°

poruka na forumu
1796 7915

post # 715 | 02.11.2012 , 4:37 PM

I know you want me baby
I think I want you too.
I think I love you baby.
I think I love you too
I'm here to save you girl
Come be in Shady's world
I wanna grow together
Let's let our love unfurl
You know you want me baby
You know I want you too
They call me Superman
I'm here to rescue you

♡ Visca el Barça ♡
poruka na forumu
5196 19101

post # 716 | 02.11.2012 , 9:22 PM

Kad bih mogla da poželim to bi bio dodir tvoj. Kad bih mogla da selim, u zagrljaj bih ja tvoj. Od tvog ćutanja  svaka moja želja čuje se. I stid me ljubavi mojih slabosti. :)

Svi se prave fini, svi igraju prljavo. °°°

poruka na forumu
1796 7915

post # 717 | 02.11.2012 , 11:18 PM

I never would've dreamed in a million years I'd see,
So many motherfu*kin' people who feel like me, who share the same views
And the same exact beliefs, it's like a fu*kin' army marchin' in back of me, so many lives I
Touch, so much anger aimed, in no particular direction, just sprays and sprays, and straight
Through your radio waves it plays and plays, 'till it stays stuck in your head for days and
Days, who would of thought, standing in this mirror bleachin' my hair, with some peroxide,
Reaching for a t-shirt to wear, that I would catapult to the forefront of rap like this, how
Could I predict my words would have an impact like this, I must've struck a chord, with somebody
Up in the office, cause congress keeps telling me I ain't causin' nuthin' but problems, and now
They're sayin' I'm in trouble with the government, I'm lovin' it, I shoveled shit all my life,
And now I'm dumping it on...

♡ Visca el Barça ♡
poruka na forumu
5196 19101

post # 718 | 03.11.2012 , 2:14 PM

Kada odu sve ptice sa mog ramena.  Kad se ugase zvezde iznad mojih obrva.  Goret ce vatra u mojim ocima  za tebe jedini moj u nasim nocima.  Kad se ugase svetla negdje iza ponoci.  Ti dodaj mi kaput ti ces mi pomoci.  Uzmi sve moje u zagrljaj svoj  pricaj mi nesto lepo jedini moj!! :)

Svi se prave fini, svi igraju prljavo. °°°

"Old school"
poruka na forumu
59 1406

post # 719 | 03.11.2012 , 3:10 PM


Niko nije tako beznadezno porobljen od onih koji pogresno veruju da su slobodni.

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1181 12635

post # 720 | 03.11.2012 , 8:04 PM

Prelepa je Boze
lepa je k'o ikona
srcima se kockala
dusu im je uzela!!!
